This book deals with the science of ama-jimai. “Ama-jimai”, a Japanese word which literally means “putting rainwater in order”, is a traditional terminology in architecture used for the concept of excluding rain from buildings not totally relying on waterproofing techniques. The basic idea is to deflecting rainwater from the surface of the building as much as possible, and control the flow of rainwater on the surface and within the building fabric so as not to migrate towards adverse direction and quickly drain it away.
In this book, whole of the subjects on ama-jimai, ranging from the nature of rain itself to practical techniques for controlling rainwater within the building fabric, which are closely relating each other, are systematically described and scientifically explained. From this book, readers will be able to have clear and precise understanding of the followings.
・Importance of rainwater control for the weathertightness of buildings,
・Influence of rain and wind on building facade,
・Rainwater movement over the surface, within the material, and through the gaps of building fabric,
・Practical method of excluding rain in buildings utilizing various rainwater controlling features.
Furthermore, this book contains many quantitative information on the movement of rainwater, based on the author’s many years research works. These include analysis of meteorological data, calculation methods and results of wind-driven rain impingement over the building facade, rate of flow and penetration of rainwater in various positions of the building envelope, and experimental data on the behavior of rainwater at various rainwater controlling features over and within the building fabric.
In this book, whole of the subjects on ama-jimai, ranging from the nature of rain itself to practical techniques for controlling rainwater within the building fabric, which are closely relating each other, are systematically described and scientifically explained. From this book, readers will be able to have clear and precise understanding of the followings.
・Importance of rainwater control for the weathertightness of buildings,
・Influence of rain and wind on building facade,
・Rainwater movement over the surface, within the material, and through the gaps of building fabric,
・Practical method of excluding rain in buildings utilizing various rainwater controlling features.
Furthermore, this book contains many quantitative information on the movement of rainwater, based on the author’s many years research works. These include analysis of meteorological data, calculation methods and results of wind-driven rain impingement over the building facade, rate of flow and penetration of rainwater in various positions of the building envelope, and experimental data on the behavior of rainwater at various rainwater controlling features over and within the building fabric.
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