During the postwar reconstruction period under the control of GHQ, with the end of the occupation administration, the business model of building management (maintenance) by contract was started for the first time in Japan. Eventually, it spontaneously developed into a new industry called building maintenance. At the center of the building maintenance industry, which now employs over 1.17 million people and has sales of 4 trillion yen, is a man named Shotaro Asaji, who has been driving this industry. This book is a biography of Shotaro Asaji, who demonstrated his business acumen from a young age, served as a bridge between the occupying forces and the Japanese side as the Japanese chief advisor to the Housing and Buildings Bureau at GHQ, and eventually led the creation and development of the building maintenance industry in Japan. Asaji eventually became the honorary life chairman of the World Building Services Federation, which was established by fellow professionals from various countries. Shotaro Asaji, born on March 16, 1905 and from Kanazawa City, passed away on August 8, 1983 at the age of 78. This book is an English translation of the original Japanese book (published by Chigensha INC, first edition December 28, 2022: ISBN9784434314322), condensed to almost half its original size.The original Japanese text is included at the end of the book.
- 詳細検索
- 著者別検索
- 出版社別検索
- 書籍トップ
- 書籍一覧
- ビジネス書・政治・経済
- 小説一般
- 推理・ミステリー小説
- 歴史・戦記・時代小説
- ライトノベル
- コンピュータ・IT
- ホラー・怪奇小説
- SF・ファンタジー小説
- アクション・ハードボイルド小説
- 経済・社会小説
- エッセイ
- ノンフィクション
- 恋愛小説
- ハーレクイン小説
- 英語・語学
- 教育・教養
- 辞書
- 旅行・アウトドア・スポーツ
- 料理・生活
- 趣味・雑学・エンタメ
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- 絵本・児童書
- マルチメディア
- 写真集
- ボーイズラブ
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- 雑誌トップ
- 雑誌一覧
- ビジネス・政治経済
- 総合週刊誌・月刊誌
- モノ・トレンド
- 男性誌
- 女性誌
- 自動車・乗り物
- コンピュータ・サイエンス
- スポーツ・アウトドア
- エンターテイメント・グラビア
- 暮らし・食・教育
- 趣味・芸術・旅行
- コミック雑誌
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- NHKテキスト[一般]
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- 無料コンテンツ/カタログ