One of the items, e.g. Surfing, Snowboarding. To master of one thing with glued to doing, goal of winning at the contest, or want to be professional. or maybe not like that, people basically enjoy it with friend, family when feeling like to do in some depending on the great situation and season. - I think this is probably the true present of lifestyle.Beside, a person (as Pro) have done intensively either of Surfing or Snowboarding, as they get older, have through many experiences and meeting many peoples, and then it appeared content with an interest, hobbies and take breather, for change of pace, these makes it lifestyle.
In addition, people are enjoying their extreme sports and action sports who to link all things that are part of life such as music, cars, bikes, house and interior, food and fashion, I feel that they also enjoying them as a lifestyle as well."FREERIDE.LINK" Book (instead of a magazine) will be newly issued as in the style that the book constitutes a story
and photos - human beings to the main icons who all them linking such "surfing, snowboarding, skateboarding, BMX,MTB (FATBIKE), motorcycles, snowmobiles such an extreme action sports and sea kayaking, mountain climbing,outdoor, camping, music, art, fashion, house, interior, events" and who have forming it into their lifestyle.
One of the items, e.g. Surfing, Snowboarding. To master of one thing with glued to doing, goal of winning at the contest, or want to be professional. or maybe not like that, people basically enjoy it with friend, family when feeling like to do in some depending on the great situation and season. - I think this is probably the true present of lifestyle.Beside, a person (as Pro) have done intensively either of Surfing or Snowboarding, as they get older, have through many experiences and meeting many peoples, and then it appeared content with an interest, hobbies and take breather, for change of pace, these makes it lifestyle.
In addition, people are enjoying their extreme sports and action sports who to link all things that are part of life such as music, cars, bikes, house and interior, food and fashion, I feel that they also enjoying them as a lifestyle as well."FREERIDE.LINK" Book (instead of a magazine) will be newly issued as in the style that the book constitutes a story
and photos - human beings to the main icons who all them linking such "surfing, snowboarding, skateboarding, BMX,MTB (FATBIKE), motorcycles, snowmobiles such an extreme action sports and sea kayaking, mountain climbing,outdoor, camping, music, art, fashion, house, interior, events" and who have forming it into their lifestyle.
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