Practical management lessons from the founder of Panasonic
“This collection sets forth my management principles, or my management philosophy; that is, my basic thoughts on how to manage an enterprise based on 60 years of experience and lessons learned. The term “management philosophy” sounds perhaps a bit grandiose, as this work is neither the result of disciplined academic study nor a systematically developed treatise. Rather, it is a compilation of practical lessons which, in my experience, will surely create the foundations for success for any company that builds its management upon them.” (from the Preface)
Practical management lessons from the founder of Panasonic
“This collection sets forth my management principles, or my management philosophy; that is, my basic thoughts on how to manage an enterprise based on 60 years of experience and lessons learned. The term “management philosophy” sounds perhaps a bit grandiose, as this work is neither the result of disciplined academic study nor a systematically developed treatise. Rather, it is a compilation of practical lessons which, in my experience, will surely create the foundations for success for any company that builds its management upon them.” (from the Preface)
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