This is the English e-book version of Indo Gosennenno Saikoserapi (インド五千年のサイコセラピー、ISBN: 978-4-86654-041-2) published in Japanese.
Darshana is an ancient Indian practice in which gurus guide their disciples to resolve spiritual questions. It is comparable to counseling in modern psychology, and yogic scriptures written thousands of years ago provide many examples of darshana.
Yoga therapy adapts this ancient wisdom, enabling yoga therapists to assist clients address health issues with an integrated mind-body approach. The mind-body connection has always been a central tenet in yoga and Ayurveda, but was put aside as modern medicine developed. Interest has rekindled, however, as it is now clear that conventional medicine cannot cure the psychosomatic stress-related illnesses rampant in our world today.
This book unravels teachings from ancient yogic texts, giving readers a deep and practical understanding of yoga therapy darshana. Case studies and exercises for aspiring yoga therapists are also included.
Darshana is an ancient Indian practice in which gurus guide their disciples to resolve spiritual questions. It is comparable to counseling in modern psychology, and yogic scriptures written thousands of years ago provide many examples of darshana.
Yoga therapy adapts this ancient wisdom, enabling yoga therapists to assist clients address health issues with an integrated mind-body approach. The mind-body connection has always been a central tenet in yoga and Ayurveda, but was put aside as modern medicine developed. Interest has rekindled, however, as it is now clear that conventional medicine cannot cure the psychosomatic stress-related illnesses rampant in our world today.
This book unravels teachings from ancient yogic texts, giving readers a deep and practical understanding of yoga therapy darshana. Case studies and exercises for aspiring yoga therapists are also included.
- 詳細検索
- 著者別検索
- 出版社別検索
- 書籍トップ
- 書籍一覧
- ビジネス書・政治・経済
- 小説一般
- 推理・ミステリー小説
- 歴史・戦記・時代小説
- ライトノベル
- コンピュータ・IT
- ホラー・怪奇小説
- SF・ファンタジー小説
- アクション・ハードボイルド小説
- 経済・社会小説
- エッセイ
- ノンフィクション
- 恋愛小説
- ハーレクイン小説
- 英語・語学
- 教育・教養
- 辞書
- 旅行・アウトドア・スポーツ
- 料理・生活
- 趣味・雑学・エンタメ
- 詩歌・戯曲
- 絵本・児童書
- マルチメディア
- 写真集
- ボーイズラブ
- アダルト
- 雑誌トップ
- 雑誌一覧
- ビジネス・政治経済
- 総合週刊誌・月刊誌
- モノ・トレンド
- 男性誌
- 女性誌
- 自動車・乗り物
- コンピュータ・サイエンス
- スポーツ・アウトドア
- エンターテイメント・グラビア
- 暮らし・食・教育
- 趣味・芸術・旅行
- コミック雑誌
- NHKテキスト[語学]
- NHKテキスト[一般]
- 有料メルマガ
- 無料コンテンツ/カタログ