This well-known business book in Japan shares new way of “Engagement model with employees” to create high performed organization with real stories.
For many companies now, “Globalization” is one of the key challenges in growing their business. After the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, the traditional appeal of products and brands alone will not be enough to lead the market. “People” are increasingly seen as an important differentiator to companies that are seeking “Globalization and Innovation”. However, many companies find themselves without “Engagement with employees”. Japanese companies have unique engagement model with employees, which enable people working as the organization. This book covers techniques for acclerating Global HR, and creating highly productive teams, demonstrating methods of engaging with employees that lead the growth of organization.
For many companies now, “Globalization” is one of the key challenges in growing their business. After the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, the traditional appeal of products and brands alone will not be enough to lead the market. “People” are increasingly seen as an important differentiator to companies that are seeking “Globalization and Innovation”. However, many companies find themselves without “Engagement with employees”. Japanese companies have unique engagement model with employees, which enable people working as the organization. This book covers techniques for acclerating Global HR, and creating highly productive teams, demonstrating methods of engaging with employees that lead the growth of organization.
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- ビジネス書・政治・経済
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- 推理・ミステリー小説
- 歴史・戦記・時代小説
- ライトノベル
- コンピュータ・IT
- ホラー・怪奇小説
- SF・ファンタジー小説
- アクション・ハードボイルド小説
- 経済・社会小説
- エッセイ
- ノンフィクション
- 恋愛小説
- ハーレクイン小説
- 英語・語学
- 教育・教養
- 辞書
- 旅行・アウトドア・スポーツ
- 料理・生活
- 趣味・雑学・エンタメ
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- 絵本・児童書
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- 写真集
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- スポーツ・アウトドア
- エンターテイメント・グラビア
- 暮らし・食・教育
- 趣味・芸術・旅行
- コミック雑誌
- NHKテキスト[語学]
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